Access a curated list of copywriting resources including podcasts, articles, conferences, books, websites and more.
Since 2011, Where Are All The Black People? has been uniting and amplifying Black voices within the advertising community. Every year, industry talent from students to C-Suite attend WAATBP to celebrate successes, address setbacks, and build community with their allies.
Be inspired at every turn, meet other passionate creatives, and learn how to create whatever you can dream. And while nothing compares to being face to face, you can still attend online.
Sonder & Tell, a verbal agency, has a great newsletter that highlights their recent work, verbal trends, and more.
Lippincott's annual list of brand trends to explore—and the tensions to not overlook.
This is the show that talks to leading designers, illustrators, creative directors and photographers around the world about the delights – and dramas – of being a creative.
More for the designer than writer, this online brand book offers a thoughtful look at the brand and even shows the design idea and concept behind the work.
A very transactional resource for the Meta family of brands. It mostly covers logo and usage for the various brands.
Made by Folk chats with the creatives behind exciting projects, products & ideas.
A collection of purpose-built, digital, accessible guidelines from global brands.
A weekly newsletter with a summary of the previous week’s posts, announcements regarding the Brand New Conferences, and important UnderConsideration-wide announcements.
The Deck of Brilliance can help you face that blank page and looming deadline with a bit more confidence. It gives you 52 tools for working up ideas in short periods of time.
Led by Scott Galloway, Section's Brand Strategy Sprint teaches you how to build a sustainable, differentiated, relevant brand that comes to life at every step of the customer journey.
A basic guidelines site for the brand but it includes everything from writing to illustration to marketing. The writing section goes deeper than most with sample messaging, audience-specific messaging, persona and more.
The verbal identity guidelines for online bank Monzo is right on the money.